Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm not a fan of New Year's resolutions, or giving things up for lent (Catholic guilt) but I like to make goals.  When 2010 kicked off, I made it my goal to get one of my short stories accepted for publication.  I'd been submitting a handful of stories the last few years with little success but spent alot of time re-working them and cranking out new stories.  Alas, I didn't make my goal to get something accepted in 2010.  The good thing is I only missed that goal by five days.  Two With Water ( accepted my story "Moose and the Virgin Mary" which will be included in their next issue.  Woo hoo.

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Resolutions for the rest of the world

Only suckers make resolutions that start on January 1 st . You just spent a night celebrating the end of the old year and the beginning of t...